Todd Heldt

5 Warning Signs That Your Asphalt Driveway Needs Repair

5 Warning Signs That Your Asphalt Driveway Needs Repair

Asphalt driveways are a popular choice for residential properties due to their durability and affordability. However, like any other material, they require maintenance and repairs over time. 

Neglecting to repair your asphalt driveway can lead to a range of safety hazards and expenses. Here are five solid signs it’s time to get asphalt driveway repair:

1. Potholes and Cracks

Potholes and cracks are the most obvious signs that your asphalt driveway needs repair. Potholes can be caused by various factors, including heavy traffic, severe weather conditions, and poor installation. They can be dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians, causing accidents and injuries.

Cracks, on the other hand, may seem harmless at first, but they can quickly grow and expand if left untreated. They can also lead to the formation of potholes and other types of damage. If you notice potholes or cracks in your asphalt driveway, it’s crucial to address them as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

2. Fading and Discoloration

Asphalt driveways are known for their deep black color, which adds curb appeal to any property. However, over time, the color can fade and become discolored due to exposure to the sun, rain, and other environmental factors.

Fading and discoloration not only detract from the appearance of your driveway but can also indicate damage to the surface layer. If your asphalt driveway has lost its color or appears patchy, it’s time to consider repair or restoration services to protect the surface from further damage.

3. Drainage Issues

Proper drainage is essential for any driveway to prevent water damage and erosion. If you notice water pooling or flooding on your asphalt driveway, it could be a sign of drainage issues. 

Poor drainage can lead to cracks, potholes, and other types of damage, as well as water seeping into the foundation and causing structural damage. If you’re experiencing drainage problems, you should get your driveway inspected by a professional to identify the underlying issues and address them promptly.

4. Uneven Surface

An even surface is essential for the safety and functionality of your asphalt driveway. If you notice uneven areas or bumps, it could be a sign of underlying issues with the foundation or soil. 

Uneven surfaces can cause vehicles to bounce and sway, making it difficult to drive and park safely. They can also lead to damage to your vehicle’s tires and suspension. If you notice an uneven surface on your driveway, it’s best to get it inspected by a professional to determine the cause and the necessary repairs.

5. Sinkholes

Sinkholes are a severe form of damage that requires immediate attention. Sinkholes occur when the soil beneath the asphalt driveway collapses, creating a large hole. Sinkholes can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor soil conditions, water damage, and improper installation.

Sinkholes can be dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians, causing accidents and injuries. If you notice a sinkhole on your driveway, it’s crucial to get it repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of your property.

Final Thoughts

Asphalt driveways are an excellent investment for any property owner, but they require maintenance and repairs over time. Neglecting to repair your asphalt driveway can lead to safety hazards, damage to your vehicle, and costly repairs.

If you notice any of the signs mentioned above, it’s time to get your asphalt driveway repaired by a professional. Don’t wait until it’s too late — call us at Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. Our expert team can handle asphalt driveway repair in Granite Bay to keep your property safe. Message us today for more information!

Asphalt: Why It’s the Best Choice for Parking Lot Paving

Asphalt: Why It’s the Best Choice for Parking Lot Paving

When it comes to paving a parking lot, there are several options available, each with its unique benefits and drawbacks. However, asphalt has emerged as the go-to material for most contractors and property owners, and it’s not hard to see why. This article will discuss the advantages of choosing asphalt for your parking lot paving.

1. Cost-Effectiveness

One of the main reasons why asphalt is a popular choice for parking lot paving is its cost-effectiveness. Compared to other materials like concrete or brick, asphalt is relatively cheaper, making it an attractive option for those on a budget. It also requires less maintenance, which helps to save on long-term costs. This translates to reduced labor costs, which adds to the overall cost-effectiveness.

2. Durability

Asphalt is known for its longevity and durability. It can withstand heavy traffic, extreme weather conditions, and constant exposure to UV rays. This makes it an ideal material for parking lot paving. With proper installation and maintenance, an asphalt parking lot can last up to 20 years, longer than most other paving materials.

3. Easy Maintenance

As mentioned earlier, asphalt requires less maintenance, unlike materials like concrete or brick. Regular sealing and occasional repairs can extend the lifespan of an asphalt parking lot. Additionally, asphalt patching can quickly repair small cracks or potholes, which is a quick and cost-effective solution. This means that downtime is minimized, and the parking lot can be back in use in a short amount of time.

4. Quick Installation

The process of installing asphalt is relatively quick and efficient. The surface can be laid and paved in a matter of days, depending on the size of the parking lot. This is because asphalt is a flexible material that can easily be molded and shaped to fit any area. Furthermore, installation does not require any special equipment or tools, making it a cost-effective option for businesses and property owners. 

5. Sustainability

Since asphalt is made from natural materials such as aggregates, sand, and stone, it is an eco-friendly and sustainable option. Asphalt is also 100% recyclable and can be reused multiple times without losing quality. This makes it a popular choice for businesses and property owners looking to reduce their environmental footprint and promote sustainability. 

6. Improved Safety

For drivers and pedestrians alike, asphalt provides a safer surface than other paving materials. The smooth, even surface of asphalt reduces the risk of tripping and falling, and the dark color of asphalt helps to improve visibility at night. Apart from that, asphalt has better traction than other materials, reducing the risk of skidding and slipping. 

7. Enhanced Aesthetics

Asphalt’s dark color contrasts the surrounding environment, making it a popular choice for many commercial and residential properties. Additionally, asphalt can be easily customized to fit any design or aesthetic preference, with various textures, colors, and finishes available. This allows property owners to create a unique look that enhances their curb appeal and overall appearance. 

The Bottom Line

Asphalt is a versatile and durable paving material that offers numerous benefits for both property owners and users. From its affordability and ease of installation to its safety features and aesthetic appeal, asphalt is an excellent choice for any paving project. Whether you’re looking to pave a driveway, parking lot, or walkway, consider the benefits of asphalt for a long-lasting and attractive solution.

Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. provides asphalt paving services for commercial and residential properties throughout Granite Bay, CA. We have years of experience in the industry and use the latest equipment and techniques to ensure top-quality results.

Call us today at (916) 791-7593 for a free estimate!

7 Easy Tips to Ensure Your Asphalt Is in Excellent Condition

7 Easy Tips to Ensure Your Asphalt Is in Excellent Condition

Asphalt is a popular material for paving roads, driveways, and parking lots due to its durability and cost-effectiveness. It is a mixture of aggregates such as sand, gravel, and stone and a binder called bitumen. Asphalt is also used in roofing materials, waterproofing, and soundproofing. While asphalt is durable, it is not indestructible. Over time, it can develop cracks, potholes, and fading. Various factors, such as weather, heavy traffic, and improper installation, can cause these issues. These problems can lead to larger and more costly repairs without proper maintenance.

Asphalt maintenance involves various activities, such as crack sealing, seal coating, and patching. These activities are necessary to ensure the longevity and performance of your asphalt surface. Asphalt maintenance protects the surface from damaging elements such as water, UV rays, and chemicals. Asphalt maintenance is necessary to prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. Otherwise, neglecting asphalt maintenance can lead to costly repairs or even complete replacement.

To help you with asphalt maintenance, here are some tips:

1. Inspect for Cracks and Fading

The first step in asphalt maintenance is to inspect the surface for cracks and fading. Cracks can occur due to various factors, such as weather, heavy traffic, and improper installation. Fading can occur due to exposure to UV rays and other environmental factors. Inspecting the surface regularly can help identify these issues early on and prevent them from becoming significant problems. Some cracks may be small and hard to spot, so paying attention to the surface’s texture is essential. As for fading, look for areas where the surface has lost color or appears dull. Faded asphalt can indicate that the surface is exposed to UV rays, and the binder breaks down.

2. Ensure the Asphalt Surface Is Clean

It must be thoroughly cleaned before any maintenance work can be done on the asphalt surface. Dirt, debris, and other contaminants can prevent sealant and other repair materials from adhering properly to the surface, which can fail in the maintenance work.

To clean the surface, sweep away any loose debris, including leaves, dirt, and rocks. Use a power washer to remove any remaining dirt or stains. If there are any oil or grease stains, use a degreaser to remove them.

3. Reduce Heavy Traffic

Heavy vehicles can cause significant damage to asphalt surfaces, leading to premature deterioration and the need for costly repairs. To reduce the impact of heavy vehicles, consider implementing weight restrictions or using load-bearing asphalt mixes.

4. Remove Ice and Snow When Necessary

During the winter, ice and snow can accumulate on roads, causing hazardous driving conditions. To prevent accidents and damage to the road, it is crucial to remove ice and snow when necessary. This can be done through plowing, salting, or using other de-icing agents. Use these methods appropriately, as overuse can damage the road surface.

5. Clear Mulch and Oil Stains

Mulch and oil stains can be unsightly and lead to pavement deterioration. It is essential to clear these stains as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Mulch stains can be removed using a high-pressure water hose, while oil stains require specialized cleaning agents. It is best to address these stains as soon as possible to avoid further damage to the road surface.

6. Improve Your Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the road surface. If water accumulates on the road, it can penetrate the surface and cause damage. Improving drainage can be done by installing or repairing gutters and culverts, grading the road to ensure proper slope, and installing drainage ditches or swales.

7. Schedule Routine Seal Coating

Seal coating is a protective layer that is applied to the road surface. It helps to prevent water penetration, UV damage, and other environmental factors that can cause deterioration. Scheduling routine seal coating can help extend the road surface’s life and avoid costly repairs in the future. It is recommended to have the road surface seal coated every 3 to 5 years, depending on the traffic and weather conditions.


Asphalt maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and safety of roadways. For this reason, the above tips should be followed to ensure that asphalt roads are properly maintained, especially if traffic is expected in the area. This way, you can avoid costly repairs and ensure that the road surface remains in good condition for maximum safety.

If you’re looking for asphalt paving contractors, Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. can help! Our professional asphalt contractors will ensure the asphalt around your property is in excellent condition for fair prices. Call us today at (916) 791-7593 to schedule an appointment!

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Asphalt Paving

Telltale Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Asphalt Paving

Asphalt paving is an excellent investment for homeowners and business owners. The life expectancy of an asphalt driveway or parking lot can vary depending on several factors, so you have to know when to replace your current asphalt. If you’re unsure whether you need new asphalt paving, here are some signs to look out for.

Cracks and Potholes 

One of the most apparent signs that you need new asphalt paving is the presence of cracks and potholes. As asphalt ages, it can become brittle, and it can crack and form potholes with exposure to the elements. These cracks and potholes can be hazardous and unsightly.

Fading and Oxidation

Another sign that your asphalt needs to be replaced is fading and oxidation. Asphalt will naturally disappear, especially if exposed to harsh sunlight and weather conditions. As it fades, it can also become brittle and start to crack. Additionally, oxidation can occur when the asphalt’s surface becomes rough and loses its smooth texture. 

Water Damage 

Water damage can occur in several ways. If your asphalt paving was not installed correctly, it may not have adequate drainage. This means that water can pool on the surface when it rains, causing damage over time. 

Additionally, if your asphalt is old or has been exposed to extreme weather conditions, it may have developed cracks or openings that allow water to seep in.

So, what are the signs of water damage in asphalt paving? The most obvious is standing water after a rainstorm. If you notice that water is not draining properly from your driveway or parking lot, this is a sign that the asphalt is not in good condition. You may also notice that the asphalt looks faded or discolored in areas where water has been sitting for a while.

If you notice standing water after a rainstorm or your asphalt looks faded or discolored in areas, contact a professional contractor.


The age of your asphalt can also be a determining factor in whether you need new paving. Asphalt can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years, depending on the quality of the installation and the maintenance provided. 

If your asphalt is nearing or exceeding the 25-year mark, it’s time to consider replacing it. Even if your asphalt appears to be in good condition, it’s essential to remember that age can affect its longevity.

Increased Traffic

When you start noticing an increase in traffic on your property, it’s time to consider replacing the asphalt. Heavy vehicles, such as delivery trucks or garbage trucks, can cause significant damage to the foundation of the asphalt. The weight of these vehicles can cause the foundation to shift or sink, leading to cracks and potholes. This damage can be costly to repair and can pose a safety hazard to anyone using your property.


These are among the many signs to look out for when determining whether you need new asphalt paving. If you’re unsure about the condition of your asphalt, it’s recommended that you have a professional inspection to assess it and determine whether replacement is necessary. 

Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. is one of the leading asphalt paving contractors in Granite Bay. Contact us, and we’ll make sure your driveway or parking lot remains in excellent condition for years to come. 

Debunking 5 Common Misconceptions about Asphalt Pavement

Debunking 5 Common Misconceptions about Asphalt Pavement

Asphalt pavement is a popular choice for driveways, roads, and parking lots due to its durability, affordability, and ease of maintenance. However, there are several misconceptions about it that have led to its undeserved reputation as a low-quality paving material.

In this article, we will debunk five common misconceptions about asphalt pavement and the reasons why it is actually a great choice amongst the rest.

Misconception #1: Asphalt Pavement Is Not Environmentally Friendly.

One of the most common misconceptions about asphalt pavement is that it is not environmentally friendly. However, this is far from the truth. It is 100% recyclable, and it is the most recycled material in the United States. When it is removed from a road or parking lot, it can be crushed and reused as a base material for new pavement.

Additionally, new asphalt pavement can be made from recycled materials, such as old roofing shingles and tires. It is also a porous material, which allows rainwater to seep into the ground and replenish the water table.

Misconception #2: Asphalt Pavement Is Not Durable.

Another common misconception about asphalt pavement is that it is not durable and will deteriorate quickly. However, when properly installed and maintained, it can last for up to 20 years or more. One of the key factors in its durability is the quality of the installation. A reputable paving contractor will ensure that the subgrade is properly prepared and that the asphalt is applied at the correct thickness. Regular maintenance, such as crack sealing and seal coating, can also extend the life of asphalt pavement.

Misconception #3: Asphalt Pavement Is Not Safe.

Some people believe that asphalt pavement is not safe, particularly for pedestrians and bicyclists. However, it is actually a safe and smooth surface for all types of traffic. It provides excellent traction, even in wet conditions, which reduces the risk of accidents. Additionally, it can be designed with markings and colors to improve visibility and guide traffic. It is also a quiet surface, which reduces noise pollution in residential areas.

Misconception #4: Asphalt Pavement Is Not Aesthetically Pleasing.

Another misconception about asphalt pavement is that it is not aesthetically pleasing. However, it can be customized to fit any aesthetic preference. It can be colored with pigments to create a range of hues, from natural earth tones to bright colors. Additionally, it can be stamped or textured to create patterns and designs. Asphalt pavement can also be combined with other materials, such as concrete or pavers, to create a unique look.

Misconception #5: Asphalt Pavement Is Not Cost-Effective.

Finally, some people believe that asphalt pavement is not cost-effective. However, it is actually one of the most cost-effective paving materials available. It is less expensive to install than concrete pavement, and it requires less maintenance over its lifespan. Additionally, it can be installed quickly, which reduces labor costs. When all of these factors are considered, asphalt pavement is a smart choice for any paving project.


Asphalt pavement is a durable, safe, environmentally friendly, aesthetically pleasing, and cost-effective paving material. By debunking these common misconceptions about it, we hope to encourage more people to consider it for their paving needs. If you are in need of a new road, driveway, or parking lot, contact a reputable paving contractor to discuss the benefits of asphalt pavement.

If you are looking for one of the most experienced paving companies in Sacramento, look no further than our services here at Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. Our wide range of services includes asphalt driveways, paving, grading, and road construction. Call us today, and let us tend to your cracked asphalt in no time!

Why Is Asphalt Paving the Preferred Choice Nowadays?

Why Is Asphalt Paving the Preferred Choice Nowadays?

Asphalt paving is undoubtedly the most common material for constructing roads, driveways, and parking lots. It is a durable, easy-to-install, cost-effective solution that has been popular for many years. But why is it so popular? In this article, we will explore the top reasons:


Asphalt paving is known for its durability and can withstand heavy traffic and extreme weather conditions. It is resistant to water, frost, and other natural elements, making it an ideal choice for areas with harsh climates. Additionally, asphalt paving requires minimal maintenance, which makes it a cost-effective solution in the long run.


Asphalt paving is a cost-effective solution compared to other paving materials like concrete. It is a readily available material that is easy to install and requires less labor. It can be laid quickly, reducing the time and work needed for construction. Additionally, asphalt is a recyclable material, which makes it an eco-friendly option that is easy on a budget.

Easy to Install

Asphalt paving is easy to install and can be completed quickly. The material can be laid over existing surfaces, reducing the time and cost required for excavation. It can also be applied in various thicknesses, making it suitable for multiple applications.

Aesthetic Appeal

Asphalt paving comes in a range of colors and finishes, making it an ideal choice for enhancing the aesthetic appeal of a property. It can be used to create a smooth and sleek surface that complements the architecture of a building or landscape design.

Quick Curing Time

Asphalt paving has a quick curing time, so it can be used shortly after installation. This is especially important for roads and driveways that must be used immediately after construction. Unlike concrete, which requires a longer curing time, asphalt can be used within 24 hours of installation.


Asphalt paving provides a safe surface for vehicles and pedestrians. The smooth surface reduces the risk of accidents, and the material is slip-resistant, making it ideal for areas with heavy foot traffic. Additionally, asphalt paving is reflective, which increases visibility during low-light conditions.

Noise Reduction

Asphalt paving has noise-reducing properties, making it a popular choice for roads and highways. The material absorbs noise, reducing the amount of traffic noise that reaches nearby homes and buildings. This is especially important for urban areas where noise pollution is a significant problem.


Asphalt paving is a flexible material that can adapt to the natural movement of the ground. This makes it an ideal choice for areas with unstable soil conditions. It can also withstand heavy loads, making it suitable for areas with heavy traffic.

Low Maintenance

Asphalt paving requires minimal maintenance, making it a cost-effective solution in the long run. It can be repaired quickly and easily, and the material is resistant to water and frost, reducing the risk of damage. Additionally, asphalt paving can be seal-coated to prolong its life and maintain its aesthetic appeal.


Asphalt paving is an eco-friendly option that is easy on the environment. The material is recyclable, reducing the amount of waste produced during construction. Additionally, asphalt paving requires less energy to produce compared to other paving materials like concrete.


Clearly, asphalt paving is the preferred choice for roads and driveways due to its durability, cost-effectiveness, aesthetic appeal, quick curing time, safety, noise reduction, flexibility, low maintenance, and eco-friendliness. Its popularity can be attributed to its ability to provide a high-quality surface that meets the needs of both property owners and the community.

If you are looking for an asphalt company, choose Todd Hedt Excavating, Inc. Our ​​top services are asphalt driveways, paving, grading, and road construction. Contact us!

Top 8 Signs and Solutions to Driveway Asphalt Failure

Top 8 Signs and Solutions to Driveway Asphalt Failure

Asphalt is a commonly used material for residential and commercial driveways due to its affordability, durability, and ease of installation. However, like any other material, asphalt can deteriorate over time and become prone to damage. 

Driveway asphalt failure can be caused by a variety of factors, including weather conditions, heavy traffic, and improper installation. It is important to identify the signs of driveway asphalt failure to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of pedestrians and vehicles. 

In this article, we will discuss the various signs of driveway asphalt failure and provide tips for maintaining and repairing asphalt driveways to prolong their lifespan.

1. Cracking

Asphalt can crack due to changes in temperature, moisture, and heavy traffic. Small cracks can be repaired with crack sealant, but larger cracks may require full-depth repairs. Ignoring cracks can lead to water seeping into the asphalt, causing further damage and deterioration. 

2. Potholes

Potholes are another sign of driveway asphalt failure. They are caused by the expansion and contraction of water under the pavement surface. Potholes can be dangerous for pedestrians and vehicles, as they can cause accidents and damage to tires and suspension systems. Potholes should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure safety. 

3. Fading

Asphalt can also fade over time due to exposure to sunlight and weather conditions. Fading is a cosmetic issue but can also indicate that the asphalt is becoming brittle and may be more prone to cracking and deterioration. Sealcoating can help to prevent fading and protect the asphalt surface from further damage.

4. Raveling

Raveling is the separation of the asphalt surface layer from the underlying layers. This can be caused by heavy traffic, moisture, and aging. Raveling can lead to potholes and cracks and should be repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. 

5. Depressions

Depressions are low areas in the asphalt surface and are often caused by heavy vehicles or improper installation. Depressions can collect water, which can lead to further damage and deterioration. Depressions can be repaired by adding additional asphalt or through patching. 

6. Bleeding

Bleeding is the accumulation of asphalt binder on the surface of the pavement. This can be caused by overuse of sealant or excessive asphalt binder in the mixture. Bleeding can make the surface slippery and dangerous for pedestrians and vehicles. It can also attract dirt and debris, which can further damage the asphalt surface. 

7. Failing Drainage

Poor drainage can cause water to accumulate on the asphalt surface, leading to damage and deterioration. Signs of poor drainage include standing water or areas where water has pooled on the surface. 

Failing drainage can also cause erosion and damage to the base layer of the driveway. It is important to address drainage issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure a safe and functional driveway.

8. Rutting

Rutting is the formation of channels or grooves in the asphalt surface caused by the repeated passage of heavy vehicles. Rutting can lead to drainage problems, which can further damage the asphalt surface and compromise its structural integrity. 

Rutting should be repaired immediately to prevent further damage and ensure safe and functional driveways.


Identifying the signs of driveway asphalt failure is crucial for preventing further damage and ensuring safety. Cracking, potholes, fading, raveling, depressions, and bleeding are common signs of asphalt failure that should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage. 

Regular maintenance, such as seal coating and crack sealing, can help to extend the life of asphalt driveways and prevent costly repairs. Homeowners should consult with a professional asphalt contractor to determine the best course of action for repairing and maintaining their driveways. 

If you are in need of asphalt driveway repair services, look no further than Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. We are dedicated asphalt paving contractors who are committed to providing our clients with high-quality workmanship and customer service. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your asphalt driveway repair needs!

5 Reasons to Consider Repaving Your Commercial Parking Lot

5 Reasons to Consider Repaving Your Commercial Parking Lot

A well-maintained commercial parking lot is essential for any business. It not only provides a safe and convenient place for your customers to park but also contributes to the overall image of your business. 

However, over time, the wear and tear of heavy vehicles, exposure to the elements, and other factors can cause your parking lot to deteriorate. In this article, we will discuss five reasons why you should consider repaving your commercial parking lot.

1. Safety Concerns

The safety of your customers should always be a top priority for any business owner. A damaged or uneven parking lot can create hazardous conditions for both drivers and pedestrians. 

Cracks and potholes can cause damage to vehicles and increase the risk of accidents. Uneven surfaces can also be a tripping hazard for pedestrians, which can lead to injuries and lawsuits. By repaving your parking lot, you can eliminate these safety concerns and provide a safer environment for your customers.

2. Aesthetics

The appearance of your commercial parking lot can say a lot about your business. A well-maintained parking lot can create a positive impression on your customers and enhance the overall image of your business. On the other hand, a damaged and worn-out parking lot can give the impression of neglect and lack of attention to detail. 

Repaving your parking lot can help to give your business a fresh and professional look that will attract customers and enhance your brand image.

3. Increased Property Value

A well-maintained parking lot can also increase the value of your property. When potential buyers or tenants are looking at a property, the condition of the parking lot is often a significant factor in their decision-making process. 

A damaged or poorly maintained parking lot can decrease the value of your property and make it less attractive to potential buyers or tenants. By repaving your parking lot, you can increase the value of your property and make it more appealing to potential buyers or tenants.

4. Cost Savings

While repaving your parking lot may seem like a significant expense, it can actually save you money in the long run. A damaged parking lot can lead to costly repairs and maintenance over time.

For example, if a pothole goes unrepaired, it can deepen and widen, leading to more extensive damage and a higher repair cost. By repaving your parking lot, you can avoid these costly repairs and maintenance expenses and save money in the long run.

5. Compliance with Regulations

Finally, repaving your parking lot can help you to comply with regulations and avoid potential legal issues. Some municipalities have regulations regarding the condition of commercial parking lots, and failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines and legal action. 

By repaving your parking lot, you can ensure that you are in compliance with these regulations and avoid any potential legal issues.


Repaving your parking lot can provide a safer environment for your customers, enhance the overall appearance of your business, increase the value of your property, save you money in the long run, and help you to comply with regulations. If you are considering repaving your parking lot, it is important to choose a reputable contractor who has experience in commercial paving projects. 

If you need parking lot repaving, Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. has you covered. We are asphalt paving contractors in Granite Bay dedicated to providing high-quality services that meet your specific needs and budget. Get in touch with us today to learn how.

Hiring an Asphalt Paving Contractor: What You Need to Know

Hiring an Asphalt Paving Contractor: What You Need to Know

Are you planning to pave your driveway, parking lot, or road? If so, hiring an asphalt paving contractor is the best option for you. Asphalt paving contractors are experienced professionals who specialize in installing asphalt on roads, driveways, and parking lots. They are well-versed in the latest asphalt paving techniques and have the necessary tools and equipment to ensure a successful installation. 

In this article, we will discuss some of the factors to consider when hiring an asphalt paving contractor, including experience, reputation, and cost. By understanding these factors, you can make sure you hire the best contractor for your project.

Key Considerations on Hiring Asphalt Paving Contractors 

Here are seven things to remember when hiring an asphalt paving contractor:

Experience and Reputation

The first thing to consider when hiring an asphalt paving contractor is their experience and reputation. You want to work with a contractor with a proven track record of delivering high-quality paving services and who has been in the business for several years.

Look for online reviews, testimonials, and references from previous customers to understand their reputation and level of expertise.

Licensing and Insurance

Another essential factor is whether the asphalt paving contractor is licensed and insured. A reputable contractor should have the licenses and permits required by local or state authorities to operate legally. They should also have liability and workers’ compensation insurance to protect them from accidents or damages during the project.

Quality of Materials

The quality of materials used by the asphalt paving contractor is also crucial for the longevity and durability of your pavement. Ask the contractor about the type of asphalt, its thickness, and the additives or sealants they apply to enhance its performance. A good contractor should use high-quality materials suitable for your area’s climate and traffic conditions.

Equipment and Technology

Look for a contractor who uses modern and well-maintained equipment such as paving machines, rollers, and trucks. They should also use advanced techniques such as infrared heating or milling to repair or resurface existing pavement.

Project Timeline and Schedule

The timeline and schedule of the asphalt paving project should also be discussed with the contractor before hiring them. A good contractor should provide a detailed estimate of the project timeline, including the duration of each phase, the start and end dates, and any potential delays or issues that may arise. They should also be able to work around your schedule and minimize disruptions to your daily routine.

Pricing and Payment Options

The cost of the asphalt paving project is another critical factor to consider when hiring a contractor. Ask the contractor for a detailed breakdown of the costs, including labor, materials, equipment, and any additional fees or charges. 

Compare different contractors’ estimates to ensure you get a fair and competitive price. Also, discuss the payment options and schedule with the contractor to avoid misunderstandings or delays.

Warranty and Maintenance

Finally, ask the asphalt paving contractor about their warranty and maintenance policies. A good contractor should offer a warranty on their artistry and materials, which can vary from one to several years, depending on the type and scope of the project. 

They should also provide maintenance and repair services to keep your pavement in good condition and prevent any major issues from occurring.


Hiring the right asphalt paving contractor is essential for the success and longevity of your pavement. By keeping these things in mind, you can ensure that you work with a professional and reliable contractor who will deliver high-quality and long-lasting pavement.

Install asphalt paving for your driveway with the help of Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. We are asphalt paving contractors focused on quality work and customer service. Whether you are fixing a pothole in a parking lot or paving the driveway at your dream home, we want to ensure the finished product meets or exceeds your expectations. Get in touch with us today!

5 Helpful Tips for Maintaining Your Asphalt Driveway

5 Helpful Tips for Maintaining Your Asphalt Driveway

Maintaining an asphalt driveway can be a daunting task, but it is essential to keep it in good condition to avoid costly repairs or replacements. Indeed, taking the time and effort to maintain your driveway will help you down the line. To help make this easier and more manageable, here are five helpful tips for maintaining your asphalt driveway.

1. Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning of your asphalt driveway is essential to keep it in good condition. Dirt, debris, leaves, and other materials can accumulate on your driveway, leading to stains and discoloration. These materials can also trap moisture, leading to cracks and other damages. 

To clean your driveway, start by removing any loose debris with a broom or leaf blower. Then, use a pressure washer to remove any stubborn dirt and stains. Be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage your asphalt surface. Instead, use a mild detergent and warm water to clean your driveway.

2. Sealcoating

Sealcoating is an essential part of maintaining your asphalt driveway. It helps to protect your driveway from the elements, such as UV rays, water, and chemicals. It can also improve the appearance of your driveway by making it look new again.

The best time to sealcoat your driveway is during the summer months when the temperature is warm and dry. Be sure to clean your driveway thoroughly before applying the sealcoat. Apply the sealcoat evenly and allow it to dry completely before using your driveway.

3. Fill Cracks and Potholes

Cracks and potholes can appear on your asphalt driveway due to age, weather, and traffic. If left unattended, these damages can become more extensive, leading to more significant problems. 

To fill cracks and potholes, start by cleaning the area thoroughly. Use a chisel or screwdriver to remove any loose debris from the area. Then, fill the crack or pothole with an asphalt patching material. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the best results.

4. Avoid Heavy Loads

Your asphalt driveway is not designed to handle heavy loads, such as large trucks or heavy equipment. Over time, this can lead to cracks and other damages. 

To avoid these problems, be sure to park your vehicles in designated areas and avoid allowing heavy trucks or equipment to drive on your driveway. If you must move heavy equipment, place plywood or other protective materials on your driveway to distribute the weight evenly.

5. Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance of your asphalt driveway is essential to keep it in good condition. This includes inspecting your driveway for cracks, potholes, and other damages regularly. If you notice any damages, be sure to fill them promptly to avoid further problems. 

You should also sweep your driveway regularly to remove debris and leaves that can trap moisture and lead to damages. Finally, be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals or de-icing agents on your driveway, as they can damage the asphalt surface.


Maintaining your asphalt driveway is essential to keep it in good condition and avoid costly repairs or replacements. Regular cleaning, sealcoating, filling cracks and potholes, avoiding heavy loads, and regular maintenance are all critical factors in maintaining your driveway’s health. By following these five helpful tips, you can keep your asphalt driveway looking great and functioning correctly for years to come.

If you need driveway paving in Granite Bay, don’t hesitate to contact us at Todd Heldt Excavating, Inc. We are experts in asphalt driveways, paving, grading, and road construction, so you can expect high-quality work when you hire us. What project do you have in mind? Call us today and let’s discuss!

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